“I have become all things to all men, that I might by ALL MEANS save some.” (1 COR 9:22b) Few things meant as much to the apostle Paul as leading souls to Christ. As indicated in the aforementioned scripture, he used virtually any means to do so. Sometimes he preached – “I am ready to PREACH the gospel to you who are in Rome...” (Rom. 1:15) But he also sought to establish rapport with everyone encountered, with an eye toward sharing Christ.
We should do likewise. There are countless ways to establish sufficient rapport with others that we can broach the subject of salvation. While vacationing In Myrtle Beach recently, I encountered a group of men that meet regularly to play tennis. I joined them several times, seeking to establish friendships. Before returning to Michigan, I gave each of them a “business card” with a personal note on the back. Two days after returning home, I received a call from “Patrick”. He thanked me for leaving my card, and then requested that I perform his wedding when I return to that area. It goes without saying that I ALSO plan to talk to him and his bride about Jesus Christ!
As stated earlier, there are countless ways to establish rapport with others. Helping someone in need, offering to pray with someone, asking for or giving directions, even encouraging a waiter or waitress may lead to a deeper conversation. When that occurs, look for an opening to bring up Jesus Christ. If it doesn’t happen, try to keep the door open for a future chat. Leaving someone a business card (with a personal note) is an excellent way to do just that!
Jesus, always Jesus!