Jesus commanded His followers to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Obeying our Lord's command means sharing the gospel with people around us.
Over the past 75 years, many methods of sharing the Good News have been used with success. Filmstrips, tracts, videos, mass brochure mailings, Bible Correspondence Courses, online Bible studies and other tools have been effectively employed.
At the same time, many Christians feel inadequate when it comes to sharing Jesus with others. The following questions frequently arise: How do I begin a conversation about salvation? What should I say? What if the other person is not interested? What if I say something offensive? What if I make a mistake?
First, we need to realize that it is the devil who plants doubts in our minds. (He does everything possible to keep us from talking to others about Jesus!)
Second, we also need to remember that not saying anything is perhaps the biggest mistake we can make.
Third, focus on taking baby steps. In teaching a person about salvation, it is not necessary to explain the whole Bible or everything about the church and Christian living. (This will come in time.) The first baby step might be to ask someone if they go to church. If they do, ask them about their church. Then mention that you attend the church of Christ, and would love to have them visit.
With God's help, that first baby step will lead to additional conversations in which you can share more about the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's been said that the most effective method of soul winning is person-to-person, friend-to-friend. So don’t hesitate to take that first baby step in pointing someone towards heaven!
A Recommitted Me In 2023!