Here you can find information and links to various missions and works the congregation in Milan supports.
Church of Christ Care Center: The Church of Christ Care Center provides for seniors in Southeastern Michigan excellent, faith-based care at each stage of their lives—independence, assistance, nursing—and in every facet of their lives—physical, social, mental and spiritual. [They] meet the special needs of the aged with special care. (Adapted from Website)
http://www.cofccc.org/ Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort: The Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the continental United States by sending truckloads of emergency food, water, cleaning, and other supplies to disaster victims. (Adapted from Website)
http://disasterreliefeffort.org/ Church of Christ in the Upper Peninsula:
North Delta Church of Christ Compassion International: For more than 65 years they have worked to develop children into all God intends them to be. They are advocates for children, working to release them from the shackles of poverty. Through a holistic approach to child development, they carefully blend physical, social, economic and spiritual care together…in Jesus' name. It is an approach that has been scientifically proven to be effective. (Adapted from Website)
Shults Lewis Child & Family Services: Shults-Lewis Child and Family Services is a dynamic treatment program for struggling teens and their families. [They] believe that families shouldn’t have to struggle alone and [their] residential environment, staffed by Christian houseparents and counselors, offers counseling, love, acceptance, and, most of all, hope to teens and their families. (Adapted from Website)
http://www.shultslewis.org/ Healing Hands International: Their mission is to aid, equip, and empower those in need around the world in the name of Jesus Christ so they might experience God’s healing grace. (Adapted from Website)
Mid-Western Children’s Home: Mid-Western Children’s Home reaches out to touch the lives of children in need of physical, spiritual and emotional healing. The ministry of Mid-Western is a loving tribute to the compassion of our Lord who said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14 (Adapted from MWCH Website)
http://www.mid-western.org/ Christian Relief Fund: CRF operates child sponsorship programs that are dedicated to providing food, clean water, education, spiritual training, healthcare and disaster relief to the glory of God worldwide.