To the Christian educator He is the Good Teacher – LK. 18:18.
To the Christian banker He is the Hidden Treasure – MT. 13:44.
To the Christian farmer He is the Lord of the Harvest – MT 9:38.
To the Christian architect He is the Chief Cornerstone – MT 21:42 .
To the Christian baker He is the Living Bread – JN 6:51.
To the Christian biologist He is The Life – JN 14:6.
To the Christian builder He is the Sure Foundation – ISA 28:16.
To the Christian artist He is the Image of God – COL 1:15.
To the Christian doctor He is the Great Physician – MK 2:17.
To the Christian florist He is the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley – SONG OF SOL 2:1.
To the Christian geologist He is the Living Stone – 1 PET 2:4.
To the Christian jurist He is the Righteous Judge – 2 TIM 4:8.
To the Christian jeweler He is the Pearl of Great Price – MT 13:46.
To the Christian lawyer He is the Ultimate Advocate – 1 JN 2:1.
To the Christian gardener He is the True Vine – JN 15:1 .
To the Christian optometrist He is the Light of the World – JN 8:12.
To the Christian writer He is the Author and Finisher of Our Faith – HEB 2:2.
To the Christian laborer He is the Giver of Rest – MT 11:28.
To the searching sinner He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world – JN 1:29. To the faithful Christian He is the Son of the God, Savior, and Lord – I JN 5:20, 2 TIM 1:10, GAL 3:13.
Jesus, always Jesus!