As Christians we are extremely concerned about the state of our nation. Political division not seen since the Civil War, economic concerns, fear of terrorism, natural disasters, and unprecedented spiritual decline weigh heavy on our hearts.
If that were not bad enough, there is evidence that the fastest growing religious group in America are those who claim “no religion.” According to the American Religious Identification Survey taken in 2001, adults that do not subscribe to any religion more than doubled from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001. Some estimate that the current figure is approaching 35 million. If correct, then only about 72% of Americans currently believe in God and even less identify themselves as Christians. Incredible! It was not long ago that the overwhelming majority of Americans claimed to be Christians.
Sadly, many of those who currently identify with Christianity possess beliefs dramatically different from what is taught in the New Testament. For instance, the Pew Forum released a survey indicating that 65 percent of Christians believe that most religions - even those that deny Jesus' resurrection - lead to heaven (which contradicts Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 not to mention Acts 4:12 & Ephesians 4:4-6).
What America needs is the uncompromised gospel, the old story of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That divine message will lead many to repent of their sins, confess Jesus as the Son of God, and unite with Him in baptism. The gospel will change their lives and possibly the future of our nation.
Regardless of which direction our country goes, without the Gospel of Jesus all will be for naught.
Jesus, always Jesus!