The wise man wrote, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6). The most crucial training relates to Jesus words in Mt. 6:33, "…seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” Seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness FIRST means making God's will THE priority of our lives.
Parents, are you teaching your children that GOD comes FIRST when you:· …arrive in time for weddings, funerals, appointments or ballgames, but are
habitually late for Bible class and worship?
· …make sure that your children do homework from school, but never ask if they have
completed Bible class assignments?
· …refuse to allow your children to stay up past 9 p.m. on school nights, but allow
them to stay up much later on Saturday nights?
· …never allow your children to skip school because they are “sleepy”, but routinely
allow them to miss Bible school for the same reason?
· …volunteer to assist with school activities or trips, but never ask to assist in Bible
class or help decorate their classroom?
· …always attend school conferences and open houses, but rarely converse with your
child’s Bible class teacher?
· …schedule vacations so as to avoid interfering with school days, but have no
qualms about being away during VBS?
· …eagerly examine and display pictures and papers your children bring from school,
yet virtually ignore papers and pictures from Bible class?
· …dutifully go to work with a bad cough or excruciating headache, yet miss church at
the first sign of a cold?
If our children do not see US putting God and His kingdom FIRST, it will be much harder for them to do so as they grow older. And we will be at fault.
Jesus, always Jesus!