When companies seek to add to their work force, most of them advertise the need for “dependable" employees. Workers that:
- Show up for work.
- Show up on time.
- Call ahead if sickness or an emergency interferes with showing up or arriving
on time. - Doing what is expected after arriving for work.
Although complying with these obvious requirements seems reasonable, many businesses complain that their #1 hiring issue is finding dependable employees. A large percentage of applicants turn out to be less than dependable in short order. One recently terminated employee complained, "I can’t understand why they fired me. I showed up four days out of five. Nobody’s perfect!”
Local congregations of the Lord’s church also need dependable Christians that: - Show up for services and other activities.
- Show up on time.
- Help out when the need arises.
- Call ahead if an emergency interferes with showing up or arriving on time
(Especially if teaching or leading in worship). - Give God and Christ their undivided attention after arriving for Bible study and
Although the word “dependable” does not appear in some translations of the Bible, equivalent terms such as “steadfast”, “faithful”, “trustworthy”, “loyal”, “constant” and “zealous” (1 Cor. 15:58; Titus 2:14, etc.) are common. Faithful Christians should strive to be sufficiently dependable to attend every service possible, and give God our very best.
Don’t misunderstand. At times, even the most faithful Christians miss services, show up late or have trouble concentrating. Emergencies, sickness, uncooperative children and other issues do arise.
The Lord's church needs dependable members. Thank God for all of you that are that, and then some. The church in Milan would not exist today without you.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).
Jesus FIRST!