(Revised, author unknown)
Before U were born or time had begun,
God placed U in the name of His Son.
And each time U pray, you'll see it's still true,
You can't say JesUs and leave out the U.
U are the heart of His wonderful name,
For U He was born; the reason He came.
His great love for U is the reason He died.
It even takes U to spell crUcified.
Isn't it thrilling and incredibly grand,
He rose from the grave with U in His plan?
Stones split open; many graves did too,
Even “resurrection” is spelled with a U.
Before JesUs left for His upward ascension,
Just one thing remained for Him to mention.
“Go into all the world”; assure them its true,
God gave His dear Son – because He loves U.
Many great names are spelled with a U,
Each and every one needs JesUs too!
There are scores of souls that depend on U,
They all need JesUs, and it all starts with U!
Jesus, always Jesus!