One night a man had a dream in which Jesus led him to a massive rock. He told the man to push against the huge rock with all his might, and repeat daily. Still dreaming, the man obeyed. Day after day, setting his shoulders against the rock, he pushed for as long as he could. But because the rock did not budge, the exhausted man walked away after each effort feeling like a failure.
Satan soon approached and whispered, "You’ve been pushing against that rock day after day without success. Your assignment is hopeless, so why try?" These words disheartened the man even more. He thought, "Why am I killing myself over this? My efforts aren’t accomplishing a thing! Maybe I should quit.”
At that moment His Lord again appeared. "Lord," he said, "I’ve labored long and hard, trying with all my might to do that which you asked. Yet, I haven't budged that rock. To this Jesus replied, “I told you to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. But I did not command you to move it. You have faithfully obeyed My voice.”
“But”, the man replied, “Why did you ask me to do something which proved to be useless?”
“Useless?” Jesus responded, “Notice that your arms are now robust, your back sinewy and strong, your hands are hardened, and your legs powerful. By obeying me you have grown stronger, and your current abilities surpass that which you possessed before. Most notably, however, you obeyed Me. You never moved the rock, but you were asked only to push it, which you did. Well done!”
Although we may not understand why Jesus asks us to do certain things, rest assured that obedience is the important thing. Although we may not always observe fruits from our efforts, God is using us for His purposes. No matter what happens, KEEP PUSHING!
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” (John 14:21)
Jesus, Always Jesus!