Two pioneer hunters were attempting to kill as much game as possible to feed their hungry families. As they approached a small clearing one morning, they spotted a small herd of deer. Each man carried a gun – one had a Winchester repeating rifle, the other a Remington double barrel shotgun. Knowing that they would have only one shot before the deer would bolt, the question immediately arose - "Which gun should we use in this situation?"
The man carrying the shotgun whispered, "I’ll use my shotgun. That way we can hit three or four deer!"
The other men replied, "But we may not bring even one of them down, and they’ll likely escape far into the woods. We’d better use my rifle and get one for sure!"
"We may drop one with your rifle” countered the first man, “but think of all the meat that will get away!"
Which gun should they use? Experienced hunters know - the rifle. After all, what good is it to hit several deer if you cannot bring a single one down? One is infinitely better than none. And hopefully there will be another day to hunt the remaining deer.
This story helps us to understand the most effective way to win souls to Christ. Far too many use the “shotgun” approach - vague remarks about the Bible, non-specific invitations and an occasional, “God bless you.” While their intentions are noble, they rarely bring others to Jesus.
Conversely, those that are the most successful in leading others to Christ focus on one soul at a time. They select a relative, friend or associate, begin praying for them, and regularly invite them to Bible School, worship services or fellowships. And that’s just the beginning. They also look for openings to talk to them about heaven.
So put away your shotgun and pick up your rifle. Select one person and devote time, energy, and prayers for him or her. Don't give up until they submit to Jesus or move “out of range”. God may use your persistent efforts to win that soul to Christ. But even if not, others lost souls are waiting for someone like you to come along.
“I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22).
Jesus, always Jesus!