I can't help but wonder if sometimes we take the Lord's church for granted. Doing so, however, is a mistake.
In Paul's letters to the churches in Rome, Corinth, Colossi and Philippi, he expressed
deep gratitude for the congregations. He was thankful for their faithfulness, fellowship and
spiritual growth. Even though Christians in these churches still struggled with doubt, worldliness and sin, Paul deeply appreciated each church.
Do we really appreciate the church? Are we thankful for the Lord's body? Do we feel honored to be a part of the family of God?
Below are only a few reasons we should be eternally grateful for this great institution:
Jesus Christ Died for the Church - Eph. 5:24-25
Jesus Purchased the Church with His Own Blood - Acts 20:28
Worshipping God with our Church Family is the Highlight of our Week - Psalm 122:2
The Church is our Spiritual Family – Eph. 3:14-15
Love is Practiced and Demonstrated in the Church – 1 Peter 1:22
Forgiveness is Practiced and Demonstrated in the Church – 1 John 1:7
Physical Needs are Met Thru the Church - Acts 4:34
The Church is Where We Bear One Another's Burdens - Gal. 6:2
The Church gives us the Opportunity to
Exercise Generosity and Receive Blessings – 2 Cor. 9:6-8
Moral and Spiritual Support are Found in the Church – James 5:13-16
The Church Provides Countless Opportunities to to Do Good– Eph. 2:10
Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church – Eph. 1:22
I am thrilled and honored to be a part of the Lord's Church, especially the church in Milan Michigan! Aren't you?
Jesus first!