This week we will celebrate the “Independence Day” holiday. For many it means an extra day off, a fishing or camping trip trip, cookouts and fireworks. What a blessing to live in a free and prosperous nation.
As Christians, however, we should celebrate our spiritual freedom 365 days a year.
After all, Jesus Christ set us free from a law of rigid rules and regulations that required perfect compliance - the law of Moses
Jesus also set us free from the bondage of sin and eternal death. Romans 6 describes how we have been liberated from from the cruel captivity of sin. Sin no longer reigns over our lives, and we are now free to live a life a faith, hope and righteousness.
Christian liberty, however, can be abused. We must avoid the belief that the grace of God means we can do anything we desire without consequence. Moreover, Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8 emphasize that there might be times when we should willingly give up some of our freedoms for the sake of weaker brethren.
Nevertheless, we should constantly thank God for our Christian liberties. In fact, one of our greatest liberties is the freedom to share our faith with others. By doing so we avail them of the the same opportunity to experience the liberties we enjoy in Christ. More importantly, we show them the Door (Jesus Christ) to an eternal home in heaven where we will forever be free at last!
Jesus FIRST!