One Sunday, following a sermon on the importance of sharing the gospel with others, a distraught young mother responded. Through her tears, she told me how unworthy she felt as a Christian. She explained that rearing her children at home required most of her energy and time, thus she was unable to be as involved in church activities as she wanted. Moreover, strong sermons on Christian duty (such as the one I had just preached) made her feel particularly guilty.
It was only then that I realized that I had overlooked the crucial role that mothers play at home. Although Jesus commanded His followers to share the gospel with others (Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-16), it had not occurred to me that Christian mothers comply with Jesus’ command whenever they teach their children about Him. Truth told, some of the most successful soul winning takes place during the daily interactions between mothers and their children.
I then assured this mother that she had nothing for which to feel guilty or inadequate. She was already busy with one of the most important jobs on earth - teaching her children about God and His Son.
I remember hearing another preacher relate a similar experience. Following a strong sermon on Christian service, he was invited out to lunch with a young Christian family. Although the husband had a job that routinely required overtime, he managed to be active in a few church programs. His wife, however, spent the majority of her time caring for their three young children, including an infant.
During the meal the wife asked the preacher if he was familiar with 1 Sam. 30:24, "But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike". She explained that King David insisted that the "home guard" be rewarded equally with those who fought at the front. She went on to say that, although she was not very active in church programs, she felt that her priority was to take care of her children and teach them about God and Jesus. "My work may not be as prominent as that of others, but I feel that I am faithfully serving the Lord, just the same." The red-faced preacher could only reply, "AMEN!”
Mothers - do not allow anyone to make you feel guilty for not doing more for the church while you are rearing your children to follow the Lord. In a way, you are doing the most important work in the kingdom!
Jesus, always Jesus!