Many of us eat three meals a day (not to mention snacks) to nourish our physical bodies. In a similar way, we must partake of God’s word daily to strengthen our souls (Mt. 4:4). If we neglect doing so, we are in danger of losing our faith and salvation. God says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE." Countless people will be eternally lost because they neglected to read and study God’s “manual” on how to please Him and be saved.
In 2 Thess. 2:10 Paul says that some will be lost "because they did not receive the LOVE OF THE TRUTH..." Satan attempts to distract us with the things and cares of this world in order to hinder us from reading our Bibles. HE KNOWS that we become vulnerable when we fail to do so.
Strong faith is required to defend against Satan’s attacks. Paul wrote, “…above all, taking the SHIELD OF FAITH with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Eph. 6:16). How do we obtain the shield of faith? "…faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the WORD OF GOD" (Rom. 10:17). The more we study God's word, the stronger our faith. Such faith is invaluable in our battle against temptation and doubt.
In times past many members of the Lord’s church were regarded as "walking Bibles" because they constantly studied God's word. I can still picture “grandpa Swindle” sitting under his shelter in Jasper, Alabama, reading from his Bible for hours.
Failure to study God’s word leads to many spiritual problems, including what Jesus mentioned in Matt. 22:29, “You are MISTAKEN, not knowing the Scriptures…” A faithful elderly preacher observed, “I have yet to meet a devoted student of the Bible that lost his faith or his way.”
Don’t endanger your faith or your soul by a lack of Bible study. Take time to read it daily.
Jesus, always Jesus!