The story is told of an elderly Christian woman that was well known for openly expressing her faith in God and His blessings. It was not uncommon for her to stand on her front porch loudly proclaiming, "Praise the Lord, for He is good!"
It so happened that an atheist moved into the house next door. The first time he overheard her daily proclamation of faith, he shouted back in reply, "There is no God!"
Despite his repeated attempts to silence the woman, she was unswerving in her daily affirmations of God and His goodness.
A time came, however, when the woman experienced a period of dire financial need. On this occasion, standing on her front porch, she exclaimed, "Praise the Lord! And Lord, I’m having a hard time right now. Please send me some groceries so that I may continue to praise You!"
The next morning as she walked out on her porch, she noticed a large bag of groceries beside her door. Without delay she exclaimed, "Praise the Lord for hearing my prayer and sending me groceries! God is good!"
Suddenly, her neighbor jumped out from behind a large bush and sarcastically remarked, "Praise who? Let me tell you - God did not buy those groceries; I did! Didn't I tell you that there is no God?"
Without blinking an eye, the elderly saint began clapping and dancing around her porch, proclaiming at the top of her lungs, "Praise the Lord! He not only sent me groceries, HE MADE THE DEVIL PAY FOR THEM!"
(Revised – “Let There Be Laughter” – Brought to my attention by my wonderful wife, Brenda, years ago.)
It is no secret that the devil and his "supporters" will do their best to discourage and dishearten God's children. Despite their efforts, however, God is immensely greater and He will come to our aid – I Jn. 4:4, Psa. 121:1-2. So even when things appear hopeless, pray to God about it, then look for something for which you can proclaim, "Praise the Lord!"
Jesus, always Jesus!