(Revised, author unknown)
Jesus of Nazareth, age 33, thought by some to the SON OF GOD, died Friday on Mount Calvary, also called Golgotha - place of a skull. Following a hasty trial by Jewish leaders, He appeared before Governor Pilate for sentencing. Following intense questioning, Pilate grudgingly bound him over to the Jews for execution by means of crucifixion.
Prior to reaching Golgotha, Jesus was subjected to physical abuse defying description. Yet He never resisted or claimed innocence. Despite His intense agony on the cross, Jesus remained sufficiently lucid to utter several remarkable statements.
He lasted six hours, which is remarkable considering His depleted physical condition. He finally succumbed to heart failure, induced by acute physical trauma, loss of blood, shock and slow asphyxiation.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea. He was from the tribe of Judah, and a descendant of King David. He was the assumed* son of Joseph - a carpenter from Nazareth - and Mary. (*He claimed that God was His Father.) His mother, several brothers and sisters, and associates (disciples) survive him.
For the last three years of his life, Jesus was an itinerant preacher, fervently promoting His kingdom, and salvation for its citizens. It is reported that He healed thousands of diseased and crippled people. Some allege that He had the ability to calm storms and walk on water. Reports are also circulating that He raised several people from the dead.
Following Jesus’ death, His corpse was buried in a grave donated by Joseph of Arimathea. Because of alleged predictions that He would rise from His grave, Jewish leaders were authorized to make the grave secure. A huge stone (to which a Roman seal was affixed) blocked the entrance, and soldiers guarded the vicinity.
UPDATE - The third day following Jesus’ death, His tomb was found empty. No explanation has been determined, save for Jesus' claim that He would rise from the grave. His adherents insist that He lives today. Furthermore, they contend that He will eventually return to take His followers home to heaven.
“Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him...” (Rev. 1:7)