(Revised, author unknown)
I tried to lead a song today, the best that I was able.
I had a mind to do it right, and make our worship stable.
I raised my hand as oft before, but few appeared to care.
I soloed, seemed, for half a song; it gave me quite a scare!
I waved my hand in rhythmic style; put forth my best endeavor
to lead all sincere fervent hearts, and keep our tongues together.
I sang each note, observed each rest, but some were always lagging;
they put my patience to a test, and spoiled the song by dragging!
One may not know what shaped notes mean, or sing with keen perception,
But anyone can heed my pleas, and follow my direction.
So watch the man the best you can, he does his best to lead you.
Please help him as he leads a song; to praise our God he needs you!
Paul exhorts us to "(speak) to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord..." (Eph. 5:19) Moreover, he instructed, "Let all things be done decently and in order" in our assemblies. (1 Cor. 14:40)
The purpose of a song leader is to assist us in uniting our voices in song and singing in an orderly fashion. His role is challenging, requiring knowledge, skill and practice. We can make his job easier by following his direction and singing enthusiastically. Doing so will also make our song service more meaningful.
Jesus, always Jesus!