"As I travel thru this Pilgrim land there is a friend who walks with me.
Leads me safely through the sinking sand; it is the Christ of Calvary!
This would be my prayer, dear Lord, each day to help me do the best I can.
For I need thy light to guide me day and night, blessed Jesus HOLD MY HAND!”
These words, originally penned by Albert Brumley in 1933, have been sung countless times by Christians. The message is timeless. Many of us can remember how comforting it was when a parent would reach down and grab our hand before crossing an intersection or entering a crowded store. Even when we took our first steps in life, the strong, steady hand of a loving parent was readily available to grab our own if we lost our balance.
Spiritually speaking, God does the same for us every day. In Psalm 73:2, David wrote "…as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; my steps had nearly slipped." In verse 23 he followed up with these words, "Nevertheless… You hold me by my right hand." What a relief it is to know that when we encounter obstacles, stones or cracks in the path of life, God is always nearby to reach out and take our hand!
We sometimes wish this life would proceed more smoothly, minus the pitfalls, potholes, headaches and hazards. However, it should bring us comfort and assurance to know that, regardless of what lies ahead, God is nearby, extending a strong, steady hand.
Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand; but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand. (Stanphill)
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand (Psalm 37:23-24).
Jesus, always Jesus!