The Great Commission of Jesus Christ states, "GO into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized will be saved, but he that does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:15-16).
Unfortunately, some Christians (and even entire churches) attempt to modify the Great Commision as follows, "COME from the world and enter our church building so that we can conveniently preach the gospel to you."
Such Christians replace the word "Go" with "Come". As you read this you may be thinking, "I would never do that!" However, Jesus once said, " their fruits you will know them" (Matt. 7:20). So, let's be honest - do we spend more time GOING to others to share the gospel or are we hoping that others will COME to us?
A careful study of the New Testament teaches that Christianity is about GOING.
“Go” tell what great things the Lord has done – Mark 5:19.
“Go” and tell these thing to the brethren – Acts 12:17.
“Go”, I send you out as lambs among wolves – Luke 10:3.
“Go” and bring forth fruit – John 15:16.
“Go” and do likewise – Luke 10:37.
“Go” and make disciples and baptize them – Matthew 28:19.
We occasionally hear someone say, "I'm not sure if I'm coming or going." Does God wonder the same about us? When it comes to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, we must be GOING.
Jesus FIRST!