“Every one of you shall REVERE (hold in highest regard) his MOTHER…” (Lev. 19:3)
With the exception of Jesus Christ, the sweetest name on earth is MOTHER or MOM. It is fitting that we honor the precious women who gave us birth, held us close, fed, changed and took care of us. Most of us have many fond memories of our mothers. They taught us, showed us, scolded us, read to us and prayed with us. We also remember how hard our mother’s worked, never seeming to be able to finish everything, yet still managing to keep us fed, bathed, and safe. Many of our mothers went the 2nd mile to make certain that we never went without, even working outside the home if necessary. Often exhausted, they returned home to more hard work. Some mothers did this year after year until we were grown. What incredible wonders are our mothers!
To all mothers who read this… We love you. We honor you. And we thank God for you!
MOM’S WORKShe cooked our breakfast first of all, then washed our cups and plates.
Dressed us up while making sure our stockings had proper mates.
Combed our hair and made our beds, sent us out to play;
Gathered up assorted toys, then put each one away.
Dusted chairs and mopped the stairs, ironed an hour or two;
Baked us cookies, perhaps a pie, and then a pot of stew.
The telephone rang constantly; the doorbell did the same;
One of us fell and skinned a knee, and then the laundry came.
She picked up blocks, mended socks, and polished up the floor.
Working hard she barely heard when dad came through the door.
He sat right down and with a frown said, “I sure do envy you!
It must be nice to stay at home with so few things to do!”
Thank you mothers, one and all, for the endless things you do.
May we say this special day, “We love you through and through!”
“…do not despise your mother when she is old.” (Prov. 23:22)
Jesus, always Jesus!