Cream of the Crop
“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:41-42)
Prior to Sunday evening services not long ago, a concerned brother in Christ approached me and made the following remark, “Isn’t it is sad that some Christians do not feel the need to worship God Sunday on nights, as opposed to Sunday mornings. Don’t these folks realize the blessing they are missing?“
“Yes “, I replied, “It is sad that some choose to remain home on Sunday nights. However, there is another way to look at this. While I sincerely wish that every able-bodied Christian would return, we can be confident that those that do so are the CREAM OF THE CROP at Milan! These Christians are extremely committed to Jesus Christ, and I thank God for the substantial number that we possess. Moreover, when some Christians choose not to return, it may indicate that Satan is working VERY HARD to deter or discourage them. That is likely because he sees great things happening in Milan.”
These points are worth remembering. While I long for 100% attendance on Sunday nights (and Sunday mornings), I PRAISE GOD FOR THOSE THAT WORSHIP GOD AND CHRIST TWICE EACH SUNDAY. I also try to keep in mind that some long to return, but are unable to do so due to health issues or job conflicts.
At a time when many churches opt to discontinue services on Sunday nights (especially during the summer), I thank God that we are able provide Sunday evening services virtually 52 weeks a year. I am grateful for those that attend every service, as well as for those whose "hearts" are here, although their bodies (or jobs) may prevent them from physically attending.
Despite Satan’s valiant efforts, may God continue to bless the Milan church of Christ (along with His church throughout our country and world) with increased commitment and numbers!
Jesus, always Jesus!