“He who has an ear to hear, let him hear...” (Rev. 2:7)
Scientists claim that normal ears are capable of detecting 73,700 vibrations a second. In fact, our ears are so sensitive that if we were placed in a soundproof room we would likely hear the blood coursing through our veins, and possibly the beating of our heart.
Which makes it ironic that, despite the remarkable sensitivity of our ears, many of us find it challenging to listen.....carefully. While most of us can hear, we sometimes choose not to do so. And that is when issues typically occur.
It is a well-known fact that most marital breakdowns begin when one or both spouses stop listening. The so-called “generation gap” is essentially a “listening gap”. Even close friends drift apart when one or both stop listening. A wise counselor observed, “If people would only listen to each another (instead of trying to be heard), I’d be out of a job.”
And what about our relationship with God? Although God directs us to speak to Him as often as possible in prayer (1 Thess. 5:17), we must also listen carefully to Him via His word (Rev. 2:11). Listening to God means more than just reading the Bible, it means to carefully consider what we read. No wonder the Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of listening. “Be swift to hear...” (James 1:19); “Take heed how you hear...” (Luke 8:18).
After warning His disciples of those whose “ears are hard of hearing” (Matt. 13:15), Jesus commended His faithful followers by saying, “But blessed are your…ears, for they hear.” (Matt. 13:16).
Are we listening?
Jesus FIRST!