“These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone." Matt. 23:23
On the evening of December 29, 1972, Eastern Airlines flight 401 crashed into the Florida Everglades, killing 101 people. But what made that tragedy even more appalling was that it was easily avoidable.
While preparing to land in Miami, the co-pilot noticed that a light bulb on the instrument panel was malfunctioning, and he tried to replace it. Unsuccessful at his attempts to do so, the pilot placed the aircraft on auto-pilot as he tried to assist the co-pilot. In the process, the auto-pilot was inadvertently disengaged. As the pilot and co-pilot worked to replace the defective light bulb, the plane descended and subsequently crashed.
Can you imagine? 101 people died because more attention was given to a defective light bulb than to safely flying and landing a commercial jet. Yet as incomprehensible as that is, far worse mistakes are made every day.
In fact, some that are reading this article may be unwittingly "descending towards destruction" because you have become so focused on worldly things that you are neglecting spiritual matters. Millions of non-Christians (as well as many professing Christians) are so busy attending to jobs, schooling, sports, entertainment, hobbies or the social media that God, Jesus and the Bible are compelled to “take a back seat". Tragically, many of these distracted souls will be unaware of their peril until it is too late. They will find themselves face-to-face with God, totally unprepared .
Brethren, don't get so caught up with the cares and riches of this world (Matt. 13:22) that you lose sight of your eternal destination. “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col. 3:2).
Jesus, always Jesus!