Greetings. I rarely express my feelings publicly; in fact this is one of the few times I’ve done so. And although I hate to complain, I now feel compelled to say something.
Most of you know me well; you typically see me at every service on Sunday and Wednesday night. And that is part of the problem; regardless of my presence, I am typically ignored. Even when many of you see me, you typically pass by without a word.
I realize that I’m not the outgoing type, nor do I attempt to draw attention to myself. But that does not mean I like being overlooked. And although I do not possess the ability to teach, preach, lead singing or pray publicly, I am almost always ready and willing to serve in anyway way I can.
And that is my issue – I really WANT to serve the Lord’s church. In fact, I feel that I was created for that very purpose! Not just annually, monthly or weekly, but every day, if possible. But therein lies the “rub” – I’m used very sparingly. Even though I show up ready and willing to work, few even notice me.
That’s the reason for this message. I don’t think it is right for a willing servant to be overlooked. Admittedly, I do not have a higher education, money or connections, but I can help the church if you will only let me.
Won’t you help? All you have to do is talk to others about Jesus Christ and their need to be ready for His return. If you will do that, I’ll be ready to do my part. Please, please put me to work…soon!
The Baptistery-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“...those who were scattered went everywhere PREACHING THE WORD.” Acts 8:4
Jesus, always Jesus!