There is a tragic trend among many religious people in which they claim to be Christians, yet have no desire to attend or even be affiliated with any church. In 2014, a YouTube video entitled “Why I Hate Religion But I Love Jesus” has received 35 million views and counting!
The man in the video actually condemns hypocrisy, false teachings and duplicitousness that are common in many modern-day religions and denominations. However, he asserts that he is NOT against the church.
Unfortunately, some people have misunderstood his intended message by assuming that he promotes following Jesus wholly apart from any church. These individuals assume that today’s churches are rife with hypocrites and false doctrines, demand blind obedience and are money hungry. If that is true, why would anyone want to be identified with such corrupt institutions?
Especially when they can accept God’s grace, love Jesus, live a decent life and go to heaven apart from the church.
Although many religions and denominations HAVE wandered far from the straight and narrow road that leads to life (Matt. 7:14), the idea of “Jesus yes, the church no!” is as displeasing to God as hypocrisy, false doctrines and duplicity. Consider the following:
· Jesus Christ promised to build HIS church – Matt. 16:18.
· The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved – Acts 2:47.
· Jesus Christ purchased the church with His own blood - Acts 20:28.
· Jesus Christ is the head of the body, the church – Col. 1:18
· God made Jesus Christ to be head over all things to the church – Eph 1:22.
· Jesus Christ is the Savior of the body, the church - Eph. 5:23.
· God will be glorified in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations – Eph. 3:21.
In view of these (and many more) scriptures, any attempt to separate Christ from the church is egregiously wrong. Since God adds us to the church when we obey the gospel and are saved (Acts 2:47), we should say, “Jesus, yes! His church, yes!”
Live for the Lord in 2024!