On July 4th 1776 our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming freedom from England and our determination to be a free and sovereign nation. Accordingly, we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day.
For 248 years the United States of America has stood as a symbol of freedom to oppressed peoples around the world. Moreover, we have repeatedly defended our freedom from oppressors, along with the freedom of other nations.
Unfortunately, we have experienced freedom for so long that many of us take it for granted. We would be wise to remember that our nation was not always free, that winning (and preserving) our independence has cost the lives of thousands of men and women. Moreover, there are no guarantees that our freedom will continue.
As meaningful as Independence Day is, it pales in comparison with the “Independence Day" that occurs when a sinner submits to Jesus as Lord. After publicly confessing Christ as God's Son (Matt. 10:32), repenting of sin (Acts 17:30) and being baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3), the blood of Jesus cleanses the sinner of all past sins (Acts 22:16). He is then free from the condemnation of sin (John 8:32, Romans 8:1).
Moreover, he is “delivered…from the power of darkness and conveyed…into the kingdom of the Son” (Col. 1:13). As long as he remains faithful to Christ, he is assured of eternal life in heaven (Romans 6:22; Revelation 2:10).
That is REAL independence. Have YOU been set free from your sins by the blood of Jesus Christ? If not, then why not obey the gospel today and throw off the heavy shackles of sin?
Live for the Lord in 2024!