The New Testament has much to say about faith. Unfortunately, millions of people have a faulty concept of faith. They believe that genuine (saving) faith is simply believing in the existence of God and that Jesus Christ is His Son.
But a close examination of the Scriptures reveals that authentic faith is more than merely believing. The 2nd chapter of James makes it clear that faith must be coupled with obedient works, else, it is dead and useless - James 2:14-26. Moreover, James also tells us that the demons believe and tremble, yet their faith is dead because they refuse to obey.
Some people argue that it is impossible to earn our way to heaven by good works, and they are right – Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 3:4-5. However, the Bible also indicates that obedient works, while NOT earning anything, are necessary in order to demonstrate genuine faith. Obedient faith IS a requisite for our salvation – Rom. 6:17, Heb. 5:9 & 1 Pet 1:22.
Consider the “Heroes of Faith” listed in Hebrews 11:
· By faith, Abel “offered to God a more excellent sacrifice” (v. 4).
· By faith, Noah “prepared an ark” (v. 7).
· By faith, Abraham “obeyed” God’s voice (v. 8).
· By faith, Abraham “offered up Isaac” (v. 17).
· By faith, Isaac “blessed Jacob & Esau” (v. 20).
· By faith, Jacob “blessed each of the sons of Joseph & worshiped” (v. 21).
· By faith, Moses “forsook Egypt…kept the Passover” & more (v. 24-28).
James 2:18 states, “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” As you might imagine, it is virtually impossible to “show faith” without a corresponding action. Genuine faith always obeys God. And that is the kind of faith by which we are saved.
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